Rina is a pretty young lady with thick straight hair to her shoulders. And today it's all got to go. First the top hair is parted away. The no. 1 clippers start on the right side and push all the way up to the part. A patch of skin is left in their wake. The left side gets the same treatment and finally the back. Our barber switches to the 00000 blades and fades the undercut to the skin all around. Sweet undercut. After a quick 360 video view, Rina hops back into the chair. Inverted unguarded clippers start on the right side above Rina's eyebrows. Round and round we go until Rina has a cute bowl cut. The no. 3 guards are attached and buzz over the top. This gives our model a cute flattop look. Unguarded clipper then buzz straight down the middle. The don't stop until all of her hair is buzzed to the skin. Shaving cream is applied and a straight razor methodically removes and remaining stubble. Rina has had quite a day going from longer hair to an undercut, to a bowl cut, to a flattop and finally shaved smooth. And she has looked lovely at every step.
Second camera footage available on this video.