Jennifer is a pretty young lady with long brown hair. Today she has decided to shave her head. Let's give her a few cuts along the way. First up, bangs. A large section is pulled forward and sprayed with water. Bangs are cut straight across just above the eyebrows. Next the top hair is parted away leaving the lower hair loose. Zero clippers buzz the entire undercut to the skin. Shaving cream is applied and the undercut is shaved smooth. Updo, bangs and a shaved undercut is quite striking. The top hair is dropped and inverted clippers take off the length equal to the bangs. Jennifer has a nice bowl cut. Next we go for a flattop but this one will be super short with the top buzzed to almost nothing. This is one of the shortest flattops we've ever done. Last the clippers buzz off the flattop to the skin. Shaving cream is applied and the top is shaved smooth. Just for fun Jennifer asks to have her eyebrows shaved as well. What a day for Jennifer as she has had many cuts along the way to bald and no eyebrows. We may be seeing more of Jennifer as well as her sister and her cousin. Stay tuned.
Second camera footage available on this video.