Kathy is a beautiful young woman with amazing hair. Straight and silky, to the bottom of her butt. Kathy is our third army recruit. Like the two before her she is role playing a first day in the army scenario. Kathy wants to keep her hair. Our barber uses the no. 2 clippers to buzz off the long locks but collects the locks are they are buzzed. With the long hair gone, the No. 2 clippers buzz everything to 1/4”. Then the all important question, faded or shaved? Kathy chooses shaved. The zero clippers buzz super high all around. Shaving cream is added and she is given a high 360 shave. With the haircut finished, Kathy changes into her day uniform, jeans and a t-shirt. All of her makeup is removed leaving her ready for training.
Second camera footage available on this video.