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Vid 859 – Rhea Joy Long to Flattop

Rhea Joy is a beautiful young woman. Today she has asked for our flattop. This will be a major change from her now long thick hair. Jennilyn (Vid 849) and Eddelyn (Vid 852) will be getting flattops as well so we do the three in steps with Rhea going first. Her first cut is a super high undercut. The top hair is parted away. The zero clippers buzz all of that long hair to the skin. Shaving cream is added and the entire undercut is shaved smooth. The other two follow suit and then we have three lovely undercuts. Rhea's turn again. The long hair is dropped down and center parted. Inverted clippers circle at eyebrow length. Bowlcut anyone? Don't forget to watch the other two exploring their cuts while Rhea goes shorter. And now it's time for the main event, the flattop. Flattops can be tough and do take practice. I was managing this project some 7000 miles distant. I said if it doesn't look right you can buzz the top with a no. 3. Well, that happened. Rhea Joy is left with an incredibly short flattop. And she looks adorable.

Second camera footage available on this video.