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Vid 1026 – Shane2 Long to Short

Shane is the first of three role playing videos in a skit we cal Criminology 101. Shane and two others play the role of incoming college students entering the Criminology Department. The head of the department greets them and gives them a bit of orientation. She dictates that all criminology students must adhere to the dress code. That includes short haircuts for students male and female. She sends them to a barber right off campus. The barber says that the standard haircut is short but that they will need another haircut in two weeks to comply with the rules. He suggests they get a “high fade” so they will only need haircuts once a month. Shane starts with long curly hair. She goes first. The barber starts with scissors on dry hair. He cuts off all of the long hair first. He then buzzes high up the sides and back. A shorter guard buzzes those sections even closer. The bottom is faded to zero. Scissors on wet hair cut the top nice and short. A straight razor cleans around the hairline. When all cuts are complete the barber asks how they like their new cuts. They didn't know how short a high fade would be and now have regrets. They return to school where the department head tells them how good they look and how they will be focused on their studies. Part two will be out in four weeks and part three will be out in eight weeks.

Subtitles were added throughout the haircut.

Second camera footage available on this video.